Healthy Eating is a Lifestyle, Not a Diet

Healthy Eating is a Lifestyle, Not a Diet

We're stepping into September with Jenny Barrie. A friend of reVessel and a San Diego health and fitness expert. She has spent the week testing out the Adventure Kit, scroll down for her tasty shots below.  We're excited to have her on board as a product tester and meal prep expert to ensure that our Adventure Kit meets the demands of a busy family, entrepreneur and health-conscious coach! Read on for her story and be sure to download her Meal Prep Guide to help simplify your meal-time approach. 

Jenny Barrie / Owner of Fit Healthy Happy U

My name is Jenny Barrie. I own Fit Healthy Happy U, a local San Diego wellness-focused company. Our services focus on helping us all live optimally by incorporating healthy habits into our daily routines via nationally recognized programs like the 21-Day Sugar Detox, group fitness classes, and corporate training workshops.

As a nutrition coach, wife, mom, and entrepreneur, I’m going every moment of every day. So what’s my secret weapon to battling the busyness while also maintaining healthy eating habits and decreasing stress? Meal planning! Creating this routine took discipline and consistency, but now it’s integrated into how our family functions. I’m here to pass these meal prep strategies on to you. The benefits aren’t bad either.

You’ll be better equipped to
  • Maintain consistent healthy eating habits
  • Remove and replace temptations with nutritious alternatives
  • Save time
  • Save money by buying in bulk, using leftovers and less ordering out
  • Best of all, (IMHO) reduce anxiety from the eternal question "What's for dinner?"

Being prepared with healthy snacks and meals provides mental and physical freedom. Consider your current schedule of coming home and then thinking about dinner. This may lead to another trip to the store or lengthy meal prep from scratch, then cooking, and then dinner just when everyone is dangerously hungry! Not only is this exhausting, but it’s also a mental strain on the brain’s energy having to make decisions all day. Consider instead having a game plan in place, knowing what you’ll be making, and even having parts of dinner prepped and ready to go. We could all use more time … to work out, play with our kids, read, or watch a show on Netflix and advanced planning is key to creating this freedom.

If there are so many benefits, what’s stopping us all from meal planning? Busy schedules, confusion around the “right diet”, choice overload, and tentative cooking skills are the biggest obstacles my clients talk about. I can totally relate. A few years back I was diagnosed with severe digestive issues that led me to start thinking and acting differently. I was limited to a very short “yes” foods list and a very long “no” foods list. I regularly ate ready-made meals or microwavable cuisine and while I am not a trained chef, as a result of the growing discomfort, I taught myself how to prepare and cook my own meals. I had to plan ahead as I couldn’t order out easily or put up with what was in the pantry. Fortunately, as I healed my gut, I was able to introduce new foods and my diet expanded. Through much frustration, trial and research, I discovered the way I eat, cook, and now prep is a pillar to maintaining my now healed gut.

As part of Fit Healthy Happy U’s programs, I offer assistance with meal planning habits and implementing healthier food swaps. I encourage clients to get the whole family involved. This way everyone has support, accountability and the labor is fractionalized. Building healthy relationships in the kitchen and connections to the source of food means we are self-sufficient if when we want to be, rather than solely depending on someone else and guessing about the ingredients. I walk my clients through replacements for sugars, oils, processed and other brain-hijacking foods in the house.

It’s a pleasure to work and coach people to feel their absolute best. My goal is to give my clients the tools to manage their own health. One of those I love sharing is my Fit Healthy Happy U: Simple Meal Planning Guide This guide eases into meal prepping with a few easy steps you can start doing right now.


Hope you enjoy! If you have follow up questions or just want to learn more about Fit Healthy Happy U, please reach out at


"I'm so excited about the Adventure Kit! I often pack my own meals before I go out and about. Whether I'm on a road trip, or bringing my lunch for a day at the beach, having this high quality and reusable container provides me enough space and function to pack any delicious meal on the go."

Jenny Barrie