Manufacturing Update - May 2019
In less than 4 months, reVessel will have barely stepped a foot into the world and our real mission will have only just begun. Well over 20 months have been spent pouring into designing the dynamic Adventure Kit and the team is filled with adrenaline as we enter the home stretch of this stage.
As a parent, I remember the anticipation of meeting my baby along the 40 week journey to motherhood. Oh the longing to see my little one for the first time. Well, this doesn’t feel much different, except over 90 weeks have passed to meet the ever so sweet “Adventure Kit.” There has been blood, a lot of sweat and some tears. In motherhood terms, we are now “nesting” in preparation for the stork to air freight our finished stainless steel, bamboo and silicone designs. Fortunately, we are right where we need to be for the products to land in August, right on schedule.
Manufacturing is well underway. Our strategic partnerships have been forged and our processes and systems in development. Molds are being fine tuned and samples tested. All systems are steadily progressing and according to our forecasted target dates. I’d love to claim credit for that (as this is rarely the case), but it is the result of partners who care deeply about all of their stakeholders and value quality, diligence and clear communication and are highly specialized in what they do. We owe it to the lean and mean team for countless issues that have been avoided so we can uphold our commitment.
Every step gets us closer to production. We will soon be purchasing the finished supplies to fill the need for a new kind of versatility, durability and a different way of viewing convenience in the market. As challenging as it has been to wait, the patience has been the key ingredient in order to translate each of our product and company values into features that will create an unmatched experience and bring about new possibilities for our customers. We have so much more in mind than just adding another flimsy, thoughtless, dispensable product. We believe in only creating designs that stand the test of time while alleviating challenges and creating freedom - freedom from single-use plastic, freedom from chemicals in food and freedom to live a dynamic life while reclaiming control of food that fuels health. Solving this problem was my way of complaining about it. reVessel involvement in the local community is growing with opportunities to share our story, engage with other local startups and established businesses at Convergence and San Diego Startup Week, SBDC’s The Brink V2 Venture Fair and upcoming events Zero Waste Fair put on by I Love a Clean San Diego to name a few.
Once again, we will be joining forces with Surfrider San Diego during International Surfing Day to celebrate our beaches, coastlines and the sport of surfing. This time last year, we unveiled our first generation prototype. Whew, have we come a long way! We stand for better food, more time doing what matters and a better future for our people and planet. We are committed to financially supporting the conversion of chemically dependent farmland to regenerative and organic growing practices and rehabilitation of our oceans. If you are in the area, come out and see us and others who share these same values.